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Come to The Mall of Cyprus on Saturday December 3rd, between 11am and 6pm, to try Emergen-C! Emergen-C is considered a dietary supplement, and some notable ingredients of the product include vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium and magnesium. Additional ingredients are niacin, folic acid, maltodextrin and citric acid, among others. Emergen-C is a bubbly vitamin […]

Come to The Mall of Cyprus on Saturday December 3rd, between 11am and 6pm, to try Emergen-C!

Emergen-C is considered a dietary supplement, and some notable ingredients of the product include vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium and magnesium. Additional ingredients are niacin, folic acid, maltodextrin and citric acid, among others.

Emergen-C is a bubbly vitamin drink filled with more vitamin C than 10 oranges, zinc, B vitamins, electrolytes and more. It supports your immune system, helps your body convert food to energy, is a great source of electrolytes, and plays an important part in maintaining your good health.

You can choose your Emergen-C between two flavors, orange and lemon.

